Saving The World With The Home Garden: Improve Our Planet’s Health With Natural Gardening Lessons by Charles J Malki
Exclusive Special Edition: Autographed by Charles J. Malki
Saving The World With The Home Garden: Improve Our Planet’s Health With Natural Gardening Lessons by Charles J Malki
Exclusive Special Edition: Autographed by Charles J. Malki
This book is inspired by past generations, supported by education and research, and written to inspire more people, both beginner and advanced, from children to retirees, to grow all plants with these to be told thousand-year-old traditional methods of gardening. Grow the most healthy, nutritious, bountiful plants and trees that will feed you, your family and friends, foods that are better in quality, flavor and health benefits, than any store-bought foods. Whether you plant a food forest, or a rose garden, your plants and trees will help to purify and clean our air, provide life-supporting oxygen, and create habitat for the insects, birds and other wildlife surrounding your home, local community and our planet! By being an environmentally conscious gardener, you will be doing your part to Save The World With Your Home Garden! The lessons to follow are summarized from the over 300+ gardening lessons you can find on the IV Organic® YouTube Channel, which is followed by over 100,000+ subscribers, over 8+ million views, and a Leading Garden-Product YouTube Channel. ENJOY! :-)